Trip to Anywhere

Why Use Travel Agents

Posted on 12/06/2018

Reports of the death of Travel Agents have been greatly exaggerated!

Ask someone who regularly uses brick and mortar Travel Agents (and millions of American’s do every year) if they would consider switching to booking online and the answer will always be a resounding NO.

These travelers realize that benefiting from the expertise and knowledge of their personal travel agent does not cost them more than if they used the behemoth online travel agencies. They are people with busy and full lives, and would rather focus on their family and friends rather than spending hours on websites.

The giant online booking and travel review websites are not in business to engage in philanthropy. They exist because they get commissions from the hotels, cruise and tour operators, and vacation companies. Your local travel agent makes their living on the same commissions.

When our car has problems, we take it to the repair shop. When we are sick we go see our physician. Most of us do not use the millions of webpages that tell us what probably ails us or our vehicle for self-diagnosis and treatment!

But not when it comes to Travel!
For travel, we are web savvy 21st century experts who pride ourselves on being able to do our research and book our travel on the web without any help from a professional.

We do this despite the fact that booking with a professional Travel Agent costs us nothing! We pay the auto repair shop and the physician without a second thought, but our faith in our abilities to garner information from the web prevents us from using the free and invaluable service of a Travel Agent.

The ability to shop with the click of a mouse has captivated many travelers, often to their own detriment.It is very easy to book a flight from point A to point B. If that is all you are looking for, then it makes sense to book online.

Most other travel planning is greatly enhanced by the expertise and knowledge of a travel agent, and their problem-solving skills when things don’t go as planned. Travel Agents offer stress-free, memorable vacations and experiences. That is why we still exist and why agent booked travel has actually increased over the past few years.We have access to many different companies and can offer you deals or benefits that you aren’t able to obtain on your own.

Try something new
. Spend time with your family and friends, and use a Professional Agent for your travel plans.We can make it easier and less expensive.Agents will also be there for you through the whole process, from booking your trip until you return home.

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